
Archive for the ‘Aikido Training’ Category

Aikido and Footwork

Today I was talking to a fellow student of Aikido and we got on the subject of footwork.  As an instructor I have always recommend that students look at person’s footwork to get a better understanding of how to perform techniques. 

I would like to share this which was passed on to me and I hope that it helps your as you practice your waza.

Musashi writes on footwork:

“In your footwork, you should tread strongly on your heels while allowing some leeway in your toes. Although your stride may be long or short, slow or fast, according to the situation, it is to be as normal. Flighty steps, unsteady steps, and stomping steps are to be avoided.

Among the important elements of this science is what is called ‘complimentary stepping’: this is essential. Complimentary stepping means that you do not move one foot alone. When you slash, when you pull back, and even when you parry, you step right-left-right-left, with complimentary steps. Be very sure not to step with one foot alone. This is something that demands careful examination.”

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